Lively Days

Unbaked Granola Bars

Unbaked Granola Bars

We love snacking on granola bars, especially ones that are quick to make and fruit-sweetened! Feel free to mix up the flavor by adding orange or lemon zest or cocoa powder or any add-ins you like!



  1. Place the dates, nut butter, water, and vanilla in a food processor.
  2. Process until smooth and creamy. You may need to add 2-4 T more water if the mixture is on the dry side.
  3. Add the remaining dry ingredients and process quickly (15-30 seconds) until everything is incorporated. Some oats will be pulverized, others will be whole.
  4. On a cutting board, form and flatten the mixture into a rectangle and cut into bars, squares, or roll into balls.
  5. The bars will firm up in the refrigerator. Keep refrigerated and enjoy!

Unbaked Granola Bars