Lively Days

Green Monster Smoothie

Green Monster Smoothie

Green, leafy veggies are nutrient powerhouses! They are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals—wonderful additions to our kids’ diets (and grown-ups’, too)! Many kids aren’t salad-lovers (yet), so why not whip up a rich, creamy, fruity smoothie that also happens to be full of greens!

Spinach is a great green for beginners as it’s very mild tasting. Once your kids are gulping spinach down, you can try upping the ante and adding in some kale leaves. Kale is a great source of absorbable calcium—it is low in oxalates so we absorb its calcium very well.

My kids enjoy greens—especially steamed kale—finely chopped in pasta sauce, lasagna, stir-frys, and tacos. They also love munching on raw greens straight from the garden. But when their interest in greens seems to waver, I grab the blender and whip up a smoothie!



  1. Place all the ingredients except spinach or kale in a blender and blend until smooth—adding extra milk if needed. If you are using sweetened non-dairy milk, you can omit the dates.
  2. Add spinach or kale and blend until well combined.
  3. Serve and enjoy right away!


Yields: about 2 servings

Green Monster Smoothie

Green Monster Smoothie