Lively Days

Chocolate Unbaked Cookies

Chocolate Unbaked Cookies

These chewy little chocolatey cookies are very quick and easy to make, and they solidify in the fridge in less than a half hour. Or, if you can't wait that long, toss the cookie "dough" on top of your favorite non-dairy ice cream. These cookies are packed with oats and low in fat. One batch lasts two days for us, if we are lucky. Happy munching!



  1. In a saucepan, combine the first four wet ingredients and heat on low until liquefied. Turn off heat.
  2. Thoroughly stir in the cocoa powder and salt, then mix in the oats until well combined.
  3. With wet hands, pack the mixture into small cookies. Wet hands frequently.
  4. Refrigerate for 30 minutes for cookies to solidify. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.

Yields: lots of little cookies

Chocolate Unbaked Cookies